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(5-IAI/70 mg) First time


Hi all this is my first post and first trip report on this forum, i am going to make this as accurate, honest and have as much information as possible

After reading up about this drug i have really been looking forward to this in some respects but with all the speculation of debatable trip reports out there i approached this with some caution and remained quite reserved about what to expect when i found a source i know i can trust (From when mephedrone was legal).

I have a day off work today so i have decided to test this early in-case it backfires and i have trouble sleeping etc...

Appearance, off-white fluffy power has a slight smell also seems to be quite dense as i thought there would have been more, but it did weigh up as 1g.

Scales out and weighed out 70mg wrapped in a rolling paper and taken with some juice.

I’m feeling a slight buzz coming on feeling slightly chilly so i go put the heating on, can feel a slight tingle on the back of my neck, nothing major or special could be down to anticipation.

Just had a cigarette it tasted horrid i also had a strange taste in my mouth prior to smoking, came very close to what i experienced when i tried MDAI.

All effects if there even were any appear to have subsided, with the exception of a slight pupil dilation and still feeling cold(there is no obvious signs of sweating), going to re-dose this time increasing the dose to 100mg taken in the same way as before.

Feeling a little bit fuzzy and warm, things are starting to get a little better i have also just taken another 100mg bomb, starting to feel the urge to speak to people but at the same time i feel like i could do with a lie down.

The 3rd bomb of it is starting to kick in, feeling pretty good no where close to MDMA but much better than MDAI, lots of stretching going on and warm head fuzz again not as strong as MDMA but it is quite noticeable, going to lie down now.

After having what felt like a good rest and lots of yummy fuzzy feelings, again nothing compared to MDMA. I feel like something to eat but i don't actually feel hungry but i know had this been a normal day i would have been starving and my stomach would be rumbling like mad, eating was alright i did have to force myself to eat it though. It also seems like the best of it is over so i think i can safely say i have reached the Half-Life point in this trip. Things are starting to return to normal although they never really went that high but as i said it was noted.

The above statement about the Half-Life period i believe to be slightly off, It is closer to about 6 hours. For the rest of the night fuzzy feeling last throughout but was mainly noticeable in my gut/stomach. I went to bed about 11pm and last i checked my clock it was just going on 1am so i must have fell asleep shortly after that, just to note i did not consume any more that what i originally stated which was a total of 270mg and as the night wore on it became ever more apparent that there was a slight stimulation as i did not feel tired but went to bed anyway.

Also when i went to bed my jaw, teeth, gums and eye sockets felt sore as if i had done a hard nights grinding and brain inspections but this did not actually happen, there was not point during the trip where i rolled my eyes or clenched my jaw. No notable come-down but i did feel more ready to function than i normally do for being first things in the morning, mouth also feels a little dry and smoking tastes slightly worse than it normally does.

Took a while to kick in it probably could have been a little more intense had i snorted lines rather than bomb but all in all a nice little chemical, definitely not what all the hype says it is about it but as the same with MDAI i believe this to be a good experience. I'm also not too sure if it would yield better effects at higher doses but i still have plenty left so i may try it at higher doses.

Is it worth a try? yeah i think it was worth it, but i feel in reality its just going to be one of those research chemicals that you only buy once or twice. It may also work and feel better in a club environment, I tested this in my house and was on my own so there may be potential there but I'm not holding my breath on that one. I may write a report at some point when i decide to test this theory.

Smoking sensations felt strange to say the least i only smoked 2 cigarettes through the entire time normally this would have been closer to 5 or 6, while smoking it felt as if i was smoking a very thin straw and did not actually feel as if i had a full size cigarette in my mouth.

There were some things that to the touch felt as if i was on MDMA but as i stated above it was not much but equally good in its own rite, and there was some mild tingling sensations in my face and body which also felt quite good, my head feels very light and hair quite soft both on me and my cat which just so happened to be near by. also going to the toilet was no problem at all which was a relief. Thoughts were also normal and so was logic there was not any moment i can recall where i lost my thoughts.

I feel i have covered pretty much every aspect of this trip in my report and have been as honest in all the feelings i experienced. Hope you enjoyed my report and found it gave you the information required and hope it was a good first report. Thanks..


Теги: english
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