…Долой бандитский фашистский оккупационный путинский режим!

Russian troops to surrender COME BACK ALIVE Российские войска сдаются ВЕРНУТЬСЯ ЖИВЫМ Zelensky

Please Reply to any Russian videos of mobilization protests with photos of the COME BACK ALIVE cards and phone numbers
The more Russians are forced to Ukraine that make contact and arrange to surrender, the fast the war can be over and the more Donations of equipment from Russia.

Zelensky promises protection to Russian soldiers who surrender to Ukraine
Zelensky made the offer to Russians directly during his nightly video address Saturday evening, promising Ukraine could guarantee three terms to soldiers in exchange for deserting their posts.
Russian soldiers who surrender will be treated in a "civilized manner."
The circumstances of their surrender, including if it was voluntary, would be kept private.
Ukraine would find a way to protect and prevent them from being returned to Russia to face desertion charges.
+38 066 580 34 98
+38 093 119 29 84
+38 099 123 9616
Russians are calling up the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense asking how to surrender, Ukraine says
A hotline's set up to allow Russian soldiers to surrender is already getting calls, Ukraine claims.
Ukraine says its "I Want to Live" hotline guarantees confidentiality and humane treatment.
Some Russians have been scrambling to avoid Putin's newly announced partial mobilization.
A hotline set up to allow Russian soldiers to surrender is already getting calls, Ukraine claims.
Ukraine says its "I Want to Live" hotline guarantees confidentiality and humane treatment.
Some Russians have been scrambling to avoid Putin's newly announced partial mobilization.
On Saturday, Putin toughened Russia's penalties for deserters and for those who refuse to fight, so it is important to get the message out. Ukraine will offer protection and security
This will help save lives on all sides as well bring a faster end to the WAR


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