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Methoxydine -- 50mg 4-MeO-PCP -- a trip report

Methoxydine ; 4-MeO-PCP ; 4-methoxyphencyclidine

Methoxydine is a PCP derivative with a methoxy group in the para-position of the benzene ring. Its a psychedelic of the dissociative anaesthetic type.

Starting time of the experiment 17:55.

T+0:00h -- 50mg 4-methoxyphencyclidine freebase was suspended in 75ml lukewarm water with a quarter gram ascorbic acid, then washed down. It is vile, the reported "motor oil taste" is prominent and genuinely tastes like motor oil.

T+0.05h -- onset of effects. Psychomotoric unrest, feet rubbing, leg bobbing, a tendency to twist and coil the arms and hands. Nervous excitability

T+0:15h -- a calm takes hold as the symptoms progress.  Physical and mental unrest clears a bit.

T+0:20h -- my face is starting turn a little warm and a wee bit numbish.

T+0:25h -- as I am getting deeper in the influence, psychomotor unrest lessens, my body starts to feel warm and good, though I'm still uncomfortable.  Theres hints of tingles in face and hands. Heartbeat steady at 80 bpm, nothing remarkable.

T+0:30h -- you know what? this may just end up feeling good ;) A calm and carefree comfort is taking over.  Just went to the toilet, my body is incoordinated like I had a few glasses to drink. I find myself smiling a lot central intoxication is building.

T+0:35h -- *sigh*  there is some unrest still, but overall a calm, clear intoxication sets in. Part of me is stimulated, the other part sedated. Euphoria certainly results. There's a tendency to rub the face, which is warm. As to vasopressive effects I think so far its sooner vasodilating than vasoconstrictive.

T+0:40h -- 2/3 of the first hour. I'm getting increasingly relaxed and euphoric but also more tingly in the face and under the scalp. The effect is clearly ramping up now, I have the feeling this will be quite something. Lawd I hope I'm not gonna Hole the first time out.

T+0:45h -- I think i'm gonna lie down in darkness and silence in my bed, and let this wash over me for however far it will take me.  I'm starting to yawn and feel heavy, yet light at the same time. No nausea. i have the odd feeling my brain is tingling. Lying in bed seens just the ticket, the most comfortable place to park my body. Weird typos start to happen.

T+1:30 -- Quite intoxicated. in bed, a tendency to toss and turn and follow my line of thought while my body is moving around comfortably. In light, wow. Sitting up I find I'm a lot more under the influence than I thought. Resting pulse ~90pbm. There is a mind/body separation. My motor coordination is way off, my body is light and heavy at the same time and if you make a motion, theres enhanced inertia, a tendency to continue the motion once its completed. This can lead to thinks as pumping a glass off the table and falling on thine face. But, the body effects, strong as they are, are a background effect. I'm very preoccupied with my mindstate, the physical world seems of lesser importance.  I went to the toilet and made a peanut butter sandwich, all whilst in "deep thought". Ability to drive or operate heavy machinery is shot to HELL because of this combination of incoordination with mental preoccupation. My pupils are not dilated, nor do I have nystagmus. If this was beer I'd feel "eight beers in" at this dosage.

T+2:00h -- its still going strong, I believe I'm at or near the plateau. The mind is prominent yet there isnt much on my mind. My body has tranquilization, warmth, psychomotor unrest. I'll go back in darkness and see what can be had.

T+3:15h -- around 2.5 hours in, the physical symptoms, unrest and discomfort decreased sharply, and at this turn of events visual effects started to present themselves, dreamlike imagery, cartoonlike and realistic, centered around things in my outer world and inner world. It affects breathing, theres bouts of rapid, shallower breathing alternating with periods of slow, deep breathing - this effect has to do with the psychological content of what goes on. In the midst of all this I'm lucid but contemplative and mentally preoccupied. i'm a bit emotionally detached and tend to underrespond to stimuli. I guess at 2:30h I transitioned to the plateau, and its much more pleasant and mentally stimulating to me than the come-up. The initial stimulation passed, leading to a tranquil, relaxed state. Heartbeat still 80-90, no mydriasis or nystagmus. I feel "about four beers in", so to say.
Back to bed!

T+5:00h -- The effect is receding. What is left is a residual incoordination/intoxication, feeling "about 2 beers in" which is tranquil, a bit wobbly and pleasant. The last hour or so was spent lying down, with much of it in a kind of half/sleep/stupor, which however was rousable. I got up and found both my hands were "sleeping". Hands and feet are warm, wrists show veins, pulse is somewhat soft and rapid, 80bpm.

Personally I don't see why this substance is described as more-ish, as at 50mg it already is considerably taxing on the body. I don't feel like dipping into the bag again, my body tripped harder than my mind and deserves its rest. This dosage level was borderline psychedelic, but already was considerably intoxicating.

The physical unrest was quite unpleasant and hindered a deeper enjoyment of the e3xperience.  I hope that to a significant degree is psychosomatic because "skin crawling" is not what I want to be doing for a couple of hours.

The notion to take 100mg is somewhat intimidating, I think next dose will be more like 75mg.

So far an interesting but somewhat intimidating virgin test of 4-methoxy-PCP. A bit more next time, but not a lot. The dose is worth revisiting, but I didnt anticipate it would be so taxing.

Do not confuse 4-MeO-PCP with 3-MeO-PCP, the latter is over 10 times more potent with a different pharmacological profile. High on Methoxydine, do not attempt to drive, bicycle or use dangerous appliances. Expect to be considerably intoxicated and detached from the outside world.


Теги: english
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